Overcoming Self-Sabotage: How To Get Out Of Your Own Way | Ep 14

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Are you unknowingly sabotaging your growth? 

If you’re like many people, you’ve probably had some growth or success in an area of your life, only to have something happen that derailed you or threw you off track. 

It may feel like a glass ceiling, or an internal thermostat that keeps you stuck at a certain level in your life or business.

In this episode we’re going to discuss how you’re likely getting in your own way and sabotaging your efforts to grow and develop, and what you can do to break through your glass ceiling.  

So grab a cup of coffee (or other tasty beverage), pull up a chair, and let's chat.


▶︎ Next Steps Group Coaching Program

▶︎ Episode 7 On Overcoming Fear


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We’d love to reach more people and sharing it with your teacher friends would mean the world to us!

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