6 Tips For Developing A Thriving Team | Ep 17

Are you ready to start building your team, but you’re not sure how to go about it? 

Or maybe you’ve already started building your team, but could use some help with developing and leading them?

This episode is for you! 

This is actually part 2 of a conversation we've started on teambuilding. In part 1 (episode 16) we discussed how to know when it’s time to start bringing people into your business to help with things. If you missed that, go check that out!

In part 2 we’re discussing more of the practical side of teambuilding: Where to find people, what it looks like to develop your team, identify their strengths, and place them in the proper places that help your business grow, thrive, and to help you avoid getting burned out! 

So if that sounds like something you are interested in, grab your cup of coffee (or other tasty beverage), pull up a chair, and let's have a chat about building your team.



▶︎ Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell

▶︎ Radical Candor by Kim Scott

▶︎ Crucial Conversations by Joseph Grenny



If you know another Christian yoga teacher who could use some help and encouragement in their teacher practice, would you please share our podcast with them? 

We’d love to reach more people and sharing it with your teacher friends would mean the world to us!

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