$147.00 USD

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Series Workshop

Learn how to earn a reliable income AND help your students grow in their faith & practice! 

Follow our 4-step process and launch a series in the next 7 days!

In this virtual workshop you will learn how to:

  • Share your story and use your gifts to draw people closer to Jesus.
  • Create demand for your premium yoga offerings and consistently sell them out.
  • Learn the logistics of how to create, fill up, and lead a series.
  • Connect with, serve, and influence your students in a deeper way.
  • Drastically increase your earning potential. You can earn back the cost of this workshop 2 or 3x over in one series, and you can continue to run them over and over!

What you're getting:

  • Videos with the ins and outs, beginning to end, of how to create, promote, and lead your very own series.
  • Made New Series Content: You’ll get this popular and fully crafted series that you can use immediately (teacher guide, student guide, playlists, & promo materials). This is the very series I used in my story above, earning $1,260 teaching 4 classes!
  • Lifetime access to the course material (including future updates and revisions).
  • A downloadable PDF worksheet to help you plan your series and content.
  • A downloadable PDF checklist you can use each time you run a series to help you ensure you’ve crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s.
  • A pricing calculator to help you figure out exactly what you need to charge per person in order to hit your income goals.
  • Apps I use for running my yoga business.
  • A detailed breakdown of how to set up PayPal for credit & debit card payments.